Kick off Meeting Plovdiv

For the first time all partners -Accademia Castelletto, Courage Foundation, Uisp Ciriè Settimo Chivasso, Ginásio Clube Português- met in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) to discuss the new project to combat violence on women called WINGS – Women and Girls empowerment trough sport.


Violence against women and girls is a global epidemic, with over one in three women across the world subject to violence at some point in their lifetime statistics (WHO 2013). The WINGS project unites the affords of four partner organisations from Italy, Bulgaria and Portugal to encourage and promote empowerment of women and girls victims or at risk of violence […]

Kick off meeting in Greece

The 1st Transnational Project Meeting (kick-off meeting) of the “CHANCE-Changing lives by Community Engagement” project was successfully carried out in Athens Greece 22-23.10.2019. “CHANCE” is a project within the framework of Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships in the field of Youth with partners from 6 EU countries: Freedom Gate Greece (Coordinating organization) (Greece) Probation Services of Greece, Fundación Diagrama Intervención Psicosocial […]

The ‘CHANCE’ project

The ‘CHANCE’ – Changing lives by community engagement CHANCE is a community-oriented project co-founded with Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and coordinated by Freedom Gate Greece. Its mission is contributing to the European inmates’ wellbeing through enforced community-based measures. To achieve that, CHANCE aims to develop a set of child-friendly and community-based recommendations in Europe Professionals from youth justice […]

Spirits’ project First meeting

During the first meeting of the SPIRITS Project in Borgaro, Turin, Italy, all the partners – UISP, Freedom Gate, Courage Foundation and Ajspt Suceava Soucava met for the first time and shared their ideas. Various technical issues were discussed, such as those related to the budget or the structuring of training modules, but also on which sports activities to propose, […]

SPRINT Project

The SPRINT project will unite the affords of four partner organisations from Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania to encourage and promote participation in sport of children and young people of disadvantaged backgrounds: children in residential care and handicapped children. Partners will design and implement a study that will allow to collect data and to strengthen a network of cooperation, so […]