OASI project

According to estimates from the World’s Children 2021 report by UNICEF, mental health disorders, including depression and anxiety, are now present in 16.3% of European youth aged 10–19 years, an estimate that is higher than the global average of 13.2%. Sport and physical exercise in the open air is one of the most effective ways to prevent and treat mental […]

EquFisc project

Our new partnership project is called EquFisc – Equal Steps with a Flying Disc, project Nº 101049874, supported under the European Union ERASMUS-SPORT-2021-SSCP program and hosted by the Croatian Flying Disc Federation, in Zagreb. Mothers and daughters do not exercise as actively as boys in rural areas. As a result, the issue of gender inequality comes to the fore in […]

Whistle project

The scope of the WHISTLE project (Erasmus+ Sport) is to prevent and fight Verbal Sexual Harassment (VSH) and catcalling in sport, as this behaviour has a negative influence over women’s practice of sport being one of the causes of dropout from organized sports and one of the barriers that limits women to practice outdoor physical activity. Catcalling is not a […]

3rd Meeting See&Share Project

Between July 25-29 See & Share trips arrived in Skopje in North Macedonia. Another typical Balkan country, with all the advantages and disadvantages that arise from this quality. In the short time we had we visited a few emblematic places in the capital Skopje as Macedonia Square in the new city center where bridges, statues and headquarters of some institutions […]

See & Hear Stara Zagora & Plovdiv

See & Hear Project first stop was Stara Zagora, capital of the region with the same name in central Bulgaria. We invite you to enjoy our walk in the Antique Forum Augusta Trayana and modern city center. Get into the amazing Regional History museum, follow us along an original Roman street – Cardo Maximus and dress as real Roman senator […]

See & Hear

Every day more and more older members of the society are feeling vulnerable and threatened by millennials’ unwillingness to change their way of living. This intergenerational conflict could intensify if the Covid-19 crisis lasts. In the same time, there is also a risk of increasing the gap between EU and non EU neighbouring countries. That’s why there is an urgent […]

Welcome to Plovdiv

Plovdiv, a charming city, full of history but anchored deeply in the present. We were pleased to show to our partners from different countries involved in the See & Share project the beauty and history of Philippopolis: the Dzhumaya Mosque, the Armenian Church, the ancient stadium of Trimontium and some beautiful houses in the old town as the “Hindlian” one. […]

IRIS: Roma Integration through Sport

IRISES is a two-year project that aims to contribute to the protection of the rights of disadvantaged children, Roma and others, living in institutions or family homes, through the specific training of the operators of the structures and through the exchange of good practices. The project directly involved the children guests of the facilities, who will participate in the meetings and workshops provided by the project.

IRISES: International Roma Integration through Stakeholders Exchange of Succesful Practices

IRISES is a two-year project that aims to contribute to the protection of the rights of disadvantaged children, Roma and others, living in institutions or family homes, through the specific training of the operators of the structures and through the exchange of good practices. The project directly involved the children guests of the facilities, who will participate in the meetings and workshops provided by the project.

Final TPM in Greece

Last meeting in Athens for the CHANCE project. All young people with different backgrounds need to have the CHANCE to choose between training, family, work… normal life and criminality. If, with the CHANCE project we managed to inspire professionals and volunteers to help young people to choose, we did a good job. That is what we what to convey to […]