The first few days – creating a connection

The first few days – creating a connection

In our last post, it was mentioned how we got in Messina. Airplanes, bus rides, additional rides and what not. And although it was exhausting at the end of the day, it was worth it.

The first few days were dedicated to creating a connection among the participants. After having our first breakfast in Messina, we set out to discuss the expectations for the week ahead. Some of the questions we pondered upon were ”What are your expectations”, ”How can you contribute to the process?”, ”What are your fears?”. The discussion encouraged us to express ourselves and be open towards our fear and excitement. Our reflection was followed by a few get -to-know -each -other games, the most impactful of them being ”Who are I”. On the second day we dived in deeper and discussed each other’s journey through the ”river of life” activity. It made people open up even more and find like-minded souls with similar experience. Apart from sharing thoughts, we also shared responsibilities among the group so that we could provide a clean, effective and creative environment for the whole team.

Even though the first two days were busy and challenging, we still found a way to have fun in the evenings. We held a karaoke night. We sang our hearts out, and the best thing? The audience did not care if the singing was great. We had fun and that was the most important aspect. We exchanged some good songs, discovered new favourite hits and created ourselves a great atmosphere on the beach of San Saba, Messina

Do you want to know what we did next? Follow our publications to find out more! 🙂

The Youth exchange ”Living European Books stories” was Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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