Building Family Bonds Through Sports

Project BONTS is designed to increase the participation of all families in sports and games by creating adapted versions of existing sports and games so that both younger and older family members can enjoy them and benefit from them.

We start with clear objectives that are:

• Encourage parents and children to actively engage in sport and be more physically active

• Create a set of adapted sports suitable for all family members regardless of their age or disability

• Organize sport events for families with children

• Create a network of professionals devoted to the project’s aim after its end by developing more activities and organizing more events

Our target groups are sport coaches, youth workers and educators and families including the youngest and also the older members as well as families with fewer opportunities. They will be trained on local level and more than 1000 members of family will be engaged in family sport and spend quality time together. The project will include also an Intergenerational Sports Lab in Serbia and Croatia, BONTS handbook with a collection of good practices, recommendations for intergenerational adapted sport activities and a website.

The project BONTS is part of Erasmus+ Sport programme.

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